Fernanda Tavares

Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares
Fernanda Tavares

Nezávislý escort

Barva vlasůBruneta
OchlupeníÚplně vyholená
  • Português (Rodilý mluvčí)
  • English (Základy)

Otevírací hodiny

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Hello Dears, I'm Fernanda a brazilian escort girl in the city of Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. I'm extremely genuine, honest and professional. I'm a loving, friendly, and sensual woman in the right measure.

I'm a brazilian mulatto girl with indigenous traits, body with curves and hot. I'm typicall brazilian girl. I'm 100% independet
I love to feel pleasure and make my clients feel free to feel and enjoy the moment in the best way possible. I like to kiss and be like a girlfriend, but I also love a good time of horny and slutty sex

My attendance is directed to men who enjoy good moments of relax and conversation. I appreciate educated, discreet men who know how to treat a woman.
I perform relaxing and tantric massage.

When passing by Belo don't forget to know me, I'll love meet you and be your company.
Big kisses and I'm here waiting for you and contact.

Dostupná iba na out-call (setkání u klienta)

1 hodina120 $
  • Návštěva domácnosti / hotelu
  • Rezervujem hotel

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